Rebecca Liliana Gomez
Trauma to Transformation Program Director
Rebecca Liliana Gomez (she/her) was introduced to Tia Chucha’s through attending events and being a student of the Son Jarocho classes. In 2015, she was fortunate to work as Tia Chucha’s Program Assistant, and later as a member of the board of directors. Currently, she is the Program Manager for Trauma to Transformation. Trauma to Transformation is a project with the purpose of changing the narrative by which society views mass incarceration, and the people impacted by it. Besides her commitment to Tia Chucha’s vision, Rebecca is driven by social justice, the power of the arts, ancestral knowledge, and h[x]rstory. She received her degrees in Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, and Chicana/o Studies. She is a lifelong student of the world, and appreciates critical reflection and practice toward imagining and creating a better world.
